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(773) 908-9811



Aggressive. Experienced.

Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney
Former Cook County Felony Prosecutor

Category: Drug Crimes

IL Good Samaritan Laws: What To Do in an Overdose

In Illinois, drug-related crimes are a topic that law enforcement is very concerned with – lawmakers, as well. Illinois has worked to decriminalize some drug crimes to help people struggling with addiction. One of the ways it has done that is through the Good Samaritan drug overdose law.

An alarming number of people die each year in Illinois from drug overdoses. It is thought that, if these people were to get medical help at the right time, they might not [...]

Is It Illegal to Sell Fake Drugs in IL?

It may surprise many people to learn that if you’re selling something as a drug that isn’t really the illegal controlled substance you’ve portrayed it to be – it’s still illegal.

Being busted for selling fake drugs in Illinois is a felony, no matter the actual substance. As long as it looks like what you’re portraying, then it’s a crime. In fact, Illinois treats these similar fake substances as if they were real drugs, and the charges are similar.

Here’s [...]

IL Drug Crimes: When Are They a Class X Felony?

There are federal laws against drugs, but these cases are handled at the state level most of the time. Due to this division, you can find varying laws between states when it comes to drugs – and some states are harsher than others.

Illinois has drug laws that run the gamut, from misdemeanor crimes to the most serious of felonies, known as Class X felonies. A Class X felony conviction can have a serious and lasting impact on your life, [...]

Will a Drug Conviction Impact Your Future IL Jobs?

A drug conviction can have a big impact on your future. That’s why, if you’re charged with a drug crime in Illinois, it’s not something to take lightly.

Having a criminal record with a drug conviction can limit your future opportunities, particularly in fields that require licensure. Here is what you need to know about your future job prospects if you are convicted of a drug crime in Illinois.

Getting a Job with a Drug Conviction

It’s a standard practice [...]

Can You Legally Grow Marijuana In Illinois?

Since Illinois legalized marijuana both recreationally and medically in the state in 2020, many people have taken advantage of it. However, the new laws do not allow certain things. It’s important to know what you’re allowed to do with marijuana and what you’re not allowed to do – if you want to stay out of legal trouble.

While marijuana may be legal in the state, there are still legal consequences for breaking the laws that are in place. That’s why [...]

Our Blog

Domestic Violence: Understanding the Crime and Defenses

Domestic Assault | Domestic Battery | Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a type of crime that involves gaining power and control over another person. It can occur in intimate relationships, such as marriages and dating relationships, as well as between family members, such as parents and children.

Domestic violence can take various forms. It may include the following acts:

    Physical abuse. This includes hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, strangling, or any other form of physical harm. Sexual abuse. This involves forcing or attempting to force sexual activity

Deferred Prosecution Programs


Understanding Deferred Prosecution Programs in Illinois Criminal Court

Deferred prosecution programs are an important aspect of the criminal justice system in Illinois, offering an alternative to traditional prosecution and sentencing. These programs provide certain eligible defendants, particularly first-time or non-violent offenders, an opportunity to avoid a criminal conviction and its associated consequences. Instead of proceeding with a trial, the prosecution is deferred, allowing the defendant to complete specific requirements or conditions. Upon successful completion, the charges may be dismissed, leaving [...]