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(773) 908-9811



Aggressive. Experienced.

Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney
Former Cook County Felony Prosecutor

Category: Sex Trafficking

The Most Common IL Internet Sex Crimes

In Illinois, internet sex crimes are being prosecuted at increasing levels. That’s partly because of how common communication online is today, which has led to the creation of a specialized police unit that investigates crimes online, including sex crimes.

Just like with any other sex crime, internet sex crimes are very serious charges. A conviction for sex crimes related to the internet can throw your life into turmoil, leaving you facing serious felony charges and even decades in prison if [...]

What Are The Signs Of Sex Trafficking in IL?

Sex trafficking is a crime taken very seriously in Illinois. Being accused of it can have a big impact on your life – and being convicted of it can shift the trajectory of your path forever.

For many people, sex trafficking is something that is only seen on television and in movies, but the truth is that it happens in plain sight every single day. If you know what to look for, you may be able to understand when sex [...]

IL Sex Trafficking Laws: What You Should Know

Being accused of sex trafficking in Illinois is a serious crime. If you are convicted, you face severe penalties that can include jail time, fines, and the ruin of your reputation in the eyes of the public.

With so much at stake, it’s very important to not only understand the penalties you face but also the charges against you, as well as your rights in the situation. Here’s what you need to know about sex trafficking laws in Illinois and [...]

Human Trafficking in Illinois — It Isn’t Always About Sex

When many people think of human trafficking, they automatically think of sex trafficking. While it is true that sex trafficking is a big problem, human trafficking isn’t always about sex, sometimes it’s about labor.

Recently, a woman in the Chicago suburbs pled guilty to labor trafficking. She helped several people from Central America to enter the country, but once they were there, they had to stay and work in her home until the debt to get them here was paid.[...]

Prostitute or Trafficking Victim — What’s the Difference in IL?

Human trafficking is a horrifying thing and years of advocacy and efforts to increase the public’s awareness of the problem have finally made it an issue that has captured people’s attention.

Still, there is some confusion about what difference there is legally between a sex trafficking victim and a prostitute.

If you’re unsure, then read on to find out more about the difference between trafficking and prostitution in Illinois, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, and how trafficking victims can have [...]

Our Blog

Is an Expungement Possible for Your Chicago Criminal Record?

Expungement | Expungement / Sealing Records

Having a criminal record in Chicago can seriously impact your life. It can make finding a job, renting an apartment, or even getting into certain schools harder. But what if you could wipe the slate clean? Have you ever wondered if your criminal record can be erased? Expungement might be the answer.

What is Expungement?

Expungement is a legal process that removes or seals a criminal record, making it inaccessible to most employers, landlords, or educational institutions. When a record [...]

Domestic Violence: Understanding the Crime and Defenses

Domestic Assault | Domestic Battery | Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a type of crime that involves gaining power and control over another person. It can occur in intimate relationships, such as marriages and dating relationships, as well as between family members, such as parents and children.

Domestic violence can take various forms. It may include the following acts:

    Physical abuse. This includes hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, strangling, or any other form of physical harm. Sexual abuse. This involves forcing or attempting to force sexual activity