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(773) 908-9811



Aggressive. Experienced.

Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney
Former Cook County Felony Prosecutor


More DUI Checkpoints in Latino and African American Neighborhoods

DUI checkpoints—sometimes referred to as sobriety checkpoints—are roadblocks set up by officers to stop vehicles to check for drunk drivers. DUI checkpoints are designed to achieve surprise, and are often set up in areas not visible to approaching traffic. Typically, vehicles are stopped in a specific sequence, such as every other vehicle, or every fourth and fifth vehicle. If an officer’s initial encounter with a driver gives him or her reasonable suspicion that the driver is drunk, the officer may [...]

Prostitution Stings Net Arrests – But Do They Violate Rights?

This past March was a busy month for the Romeoville police force. Local police conducted a prostitution sting between March 20 and 27, arresting 20 men for soliciting a prostitute during the process.


To attract solicitors, the police set up an advertisement for prostitution online. “We try to do this every couple years,” police Commander John Ferdinardo explained to reporters from the Chicago Tribune.


Officers set up their investigation in the 1200 block of Lakeview Drive, where [...]

Possible Punishments for Violating Probation

In Chicago, the punishments you face for violating the terms of your probation are often much worse than probation itself.


Probation is a frequently used sentencing option in Illinois, where a judge orders a defendant who has been found guilty of a crime to follow a set of strict rules for a period of time. Generally, probation requires offenders to act lawfully and responsibly, and comply with a variety of rehabilitation and counseling components. Common probationary terms may include [...]

Common Defenses against Disorderly Conduct Charges

It was a quiet Friday night in Edgewater, the whoosh of the occasional passing car mingling with the murmur of the NBA playoffs on TVs within apartment buildings. But the calm was punctuated suddenly when the whistle of a police siren sounded near the 6300 block of North Lakewood.


At least, that’s what happened according to a report from the Chicago Sun Times.

A Roger Park District police car signalled for another vehicle to stop, and both drivers [...]

What Does Multiple-Burglary Suspect’s Arrest Mean for You?


In response to a recent string of burglaries, law enforcement officers across Chicago and surrounding areas are heightening efforts against burglary-related crimes.


Officers in the northwest suburban community of Wood Dale had been investigating a series of residential break-ins, and took two suspects into custody.


Most recently, law enforcement officials were able to arrest a third suspect—25-year-old Adam Blair—but only with the help of a SWAT team. Police officials assured reporters from the Chicago Sun Times that [...]

Our Blog

How Chicago’s Legal Landscape Shapes Drug Possession Charges

Drug Crimes | Drug Possession

In understanding drug possession charges in Chicago, it’s essential to explore how the city’s legal landscape has evolved over time to shape the enforcement of drug laws. From historical policies to contemporary approaches, Chicago’s approach to drug possession offenses is influenced by various factors, including legislative changes, law enforcement practices, and societal attitudes toward drug use and addiction.

Historical Context

Like many cities across the United States, Chicago has grappled with drug-related issues for decades. In the mid-20th century, the [...]

What Constitutes Criminal Battery in Chicago?


In the realm of criminal law, battery is a serious offense that involves intentional physical contact with another person without their consent. In Chicago, as in many jurisdictions, the definition of criminal battery is outlined in statutes and is subject to legal interpretation. This blog will delve into the specific elements that constitute criminal battery in Chicago, exploring various scenarios that could lead to battery charges and the legal nuances involved.

Defining Criminal Battery

Criminal battery is generally defined as [...]