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(773) 908-9811



Aggressive. Experienced.

Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney
Former Cook County Felony Prosecutor

Category: Criminal Defense

Felonies vs. Misdemeanors: What’s The Difference?

When you are charged with a crime, you will be given a specific name and classification of the crime you are charged with. Each state has its own way of classifying crimes the terms “felony” and “misdemeanor” are universal – even if they don’t always mean the same thing everywhere.


So what do these terms mean in Illinois? How are crimes classified? What does it mean to be a “convicted felon”?


Illinois has three classifications of misdemeanors and [...]

What Happens If You are Convicted of a Felony in Illinois


A felony conviction is a serious matter everywhere in the United States, but in Illinois our lawmakers take felonies particularly seriously. Classified as Class X, 1, 2, 3, or 4 offenses, felonies here are punishable by state prison sentences that can last decades, fines up to $25,000, and restitution that has to be paid to victims.


And the penalties don’t stop after you have served your time and are allowed back into the real world. A felony conviction [...]

What to Expect from Your Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you have been accused of committing a crime, you have two options. You can sit back and accept the punishment – even if you maintain that you are innocent – or you can fight back.


Hopefully, you choose to fight back. And when do so, you do it with the help of an experienced Illinois criminal defense attorney.




Because a criminal lawyer is your best chance at getting your charges reduced, dismissed, or dropped altogether.[...]

Understanding Your Illinois Miranda Rights

Recently, the Chicago Police Department has been under scrutiny for the growing number of allegations that say police officers violate human rights in arrests and detentions.


Numerous victims have come forward saying they were unlawfully arrested, strip-searched, taken to an off-the-books interrogation building called a “black site,” never read their Miranda Rights, denied access to a lawyer, food, and other communication, interrogated for hours, and physically and psychologically abused for crimes they didn’t even commit.


All of these [...]

What Does 720 ILCS Mean?

Getting charged with a crime in Illinois is a serious matter. There are numerous crimes you can face charges for, and it can be confusing to understand not only the crime itself but also your rights.


If you are charged with a crime in Illinois, it falls under 720 ILCS. The 720 part is for Chapter 720, which covers all criminal offenses in the state. ILCS stands for the Illinois Compiled Statutes. So if you have a 720 ILCS [...]

Our Blog

Domestic Violence: Understanding the Crime and Defenses

Domestic Assault | Domestic Battery | Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a type of crime that involves gaining power and control over another person. It can occur in intimate relationships, such as marriages and dating relationships, as well as between family members, such as parents and children.

Domestic violence can take various forms. It may include the following acts:

    Physical abuse. This includes hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, strangling, or any other form of physical harm. Sexual abuse. This involves forcing or attempting to force sexual activity

Deferred Prosecution Programs


Understanding Deferred Prosecution Programs in Illinois Criminal Court

Deferred prosecution programs are an important aspect of the criminal justice system in Illinois, offering an alternative to traditional prosecution and sentencing. These programs provide certain eligible defendants, particularly first-time or non-violent offenders, an opportunity to avoid a criminal conviction and its associated consequences. Instead of proceeding with a trial, the prosecution is deferred, allowing the defendant to complete specific requirements or conditions. Upon successful completion, the charges may be dismissed, leaving [...]