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Aggressive. Experienced.

Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney
Former Cook County Felony Prosecutor

Category: Burglary

The Different Charges for Entering an Illinois Residence Illegally

In Illinois, a person’s home and property are protected by the law from the unwanted intrusion of other people. That’s why there are separate laws in Illinois for criminal trespass and residential burglary.

If you’re unsure of the difference between these crimes, you’re not alone. Many people don’t understand what each crime is or what penalties they can each bring upon someone convicted of them.

So here’s what you need to know about criminal trespass and residential burglary, how they’re [...]

Stealing from a Car – Even an Unlocked One – Is Burglary in Illinois

For many, burglary and theft are two very different things – one just means taking things that don’t belong to you, while the other refers to breaking into a house or store to take those things. While there is some truth to that line of reasoning, it’s not completely correct. The legal definition of burglary can be much different, and more encompassing, than what most people often assume.

Take, for example, the case of three teenagers who were arrested in [...]

Is It Theft, Robbery, or Burglary? How Illinois Defines Each Crime

Many people use the terms “theft,” “robbery,” and “burglary” interchangeably in daily conversations. Which makes sense. After all, each term – in general – addresses the same topic.

Legally speaking, however, the terms describe three different and specific types of criminal offenses. If you’re facing criminal charges related to stealing something, you need to know the legal definition of each term.

Theft in Illinois

Illinois Statutes Chapter 720 §16-1 defines theft as obtaining the property of someone else through deception [...]

Illinois Burglary Charges: The Importance of “Intent”

In Illinois, it is a crime to enter a building or structure without authorization and with the intent of committing a crime once inside, whether that place is a residence, business, school, public facility, place of worship, or even a vehicle.


This criminal act is charged as burglary or residential burglary in our state. Importantly, you do not need to commit a crime or even attempt to commit a crime after gaining entry, so long as the prosecution can [...]

Facing a Property Crime Charge in Illinois? Strategies to Beat It

If you have been charged with a property crime in Illinois, you need to take it seriously and work to put together the strongest possible defense to fight back. Depending on the nature of your alleged crime, you could be facing years in prison, high fines, and more.


How do you know which strategy is most likely to help in your specific situation? There’s no easy answer, but your best chance at a positive outcome is to work with [...]

Our Blog

What is Cyberstalking?


Much of our communication happens online today, but the lines between acceptable interaction and criminal behavior can blur. Accusations of cyberstalking often stem from these gray areas, where intent and context are misunderstood. Unfortunately, even unintentional actions can lead to serious legal trouble, affecting your reputation and freedom.

Facing such charges may feel isolating, but you don’t have to face them alone. With the help of our Chicago, IL criminal defense attorney, who understands Illinois cyberstalking laws, you can take [...]

Can You Kidnap Your Own Child?


No, you cannot kidnap your own child, even if you believe you’re acting in their best interest. While it may feel like a parent has every right to make decisions about their child’s life, Illinois law doesn’t see it that way when it comes to custody violations. In fact, taking your child without the other parent’s permission, even if it’s for what you believe to be a good reason, can land you in legal hot water.

If you’re dealing with [...]