Date Rape: Warning SignsThat Can Save Your Life
When hearing the word “rape,” the image most people conjure is that of a masked assailant sneaking behind a helpless victim at night and dragging him/her to dark alleyways, where they can fulfill their criminal intentions. However, that’s not the only type of rape and also not nearly the most prevalent one: stranger rape is as tragic as any type of sexual assault, but the danger lies much nearer.
Approximately two-thirds of sexual assaults are committed by someone known to the victim, such as a spouse, an intimate partner, or simply an acquaintance. Most often through the use of alcohol and extremely powerful drugs, rapists manage to make their victims weak and confused – or even cause them to pass out – and ensure they’ll not be physically able to resist sexual intercourse. Rohypnol, GHB, ketamine, and alcohol are some of the most common drugs used by criminals, and experts say the trend is far from being over:
“The ‘date-rape drug’ phenomenon, although fairly new, is evolving rapidly as sexual abusers attempt to circumvent stricter drug controls by using substances not restricted by international drug conventions,” according to a report from the International Narcotics Control Board. “Drug traffickers obtain the substances in question through Internet pharmacies and the mail system, or from illicit manufacture.”
Although the government has already started working with pharmaceutical and chemical companies to put an end to such abuses, there’s still a long way until the use of illegal substances that facilitate the commission ofcrime will be properly sanctioned. Until then, both men and women should get informed about date rape and what they can do to protect themselves. Here are 7 warning signs that could help you spot a potential rapist:
7 Warning Signs
No matter how careful or prepared you are, bad things can still happen. Information, however, can increase your chances of escaping the criminal intentions of your partner. Here are five warning signs to consider:
- Your date invites you to an isolated or private place.
- Your date tries to invade your personal space through a lot of accidental touching and staring.
- Your date tries to lull you into a sense of safety, by looking, talking, and behaving very nice.
- Your date tries to persuade you to drink alcohol or use drugs.
- Your date tries to convince you to ignore your instincts.
- He makes several sexual allusions, constantly talking about what the two of you would be doing later on.
- Your date exhibits a violent behavior towards others (waiters, people in the restaurant etc.) but suddenly gets calmer when talking directly to you.
Mood swings, jealousy, inability to handle sexual and emotional frustrations, heavy drinking, and a negative attitude towards women in general are more signs that you might be in the presence of a criminal.
Sex crimes, including rape, date rape, sexual abuse and assault, have some of the harshest penalties and can change a person’s life forever. Whether you have been the victim of a rape or charged with sexual assault, you need aggressive legal representation and a specialized attorney to protect your rights. To schedule a free consultation, call 773.908.9811 or fill out a short form found here, to analyze your case and start building your defense.
About the Author
Andrew M. Weisberg is a criminal defense attorney in Chicago, Illinois. A former prosecutor in Cook County, Mr. Weisberg,is a member of the Capital Litigation Trial Bar, an elite group of criminal attorneys who are certified by the Illinois Supreme Court to try death penalty cases. He is also a member of the Federal Trial Bar. Mr. Weisberg is a solo practitioner at the Law Offices of Andrew M. Weisberg.