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(773) 908-9811

(773) 377-4310





(773) 908-9811



Aggressive. Experienced.

Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney
Former Cook County Felony Prosecutor


What Does Multiple-Burglary Suspect’s Arrest Mean for You?


In response to a recent string of burglaries, law enforcement officers across Chicago and surrounding areas are heightening efforts against burglary-related crimes.


Officers in the northwest suburban community of Wood Dale had been investigating a series of residential break-ins, and took two suspects into custody.


Most recently, law enforcement officials were able to arrest a third suspect—25-year-old Adam Blair—but only with the help of a SWAT team. Police officials assured reporters from the Chicago Sun Times that [...]

Push to Prioritize Prosecution of Sex Crimes in Chicago

Chicago law enforcement has been fighting against sex crimes for the last two decades, prioritizing investigations, arresting offenders, and doling out tough penalties.


However, over the last few years, it appears Chicago’s fight against sex crimes may have hit a wall. According to a report from CBS Chicago, “while the number of reported criminal sexual assaults in Chicago has come in at less than 1,600 from 2006 to 2014… progress has leveled out. Sharp drops in the 1990s have [...]

Important Changes to How Chicago Prosecutes Minor Drug Offenses


Although Chicago jails are packed with offenders of low-level drug crimes, the drug crime rate in the city continues to trump national averages. Every month, hundreds of marijuana arrests are made in Cook County alone.


As Cook County State Attorney Anita Alvarez explained to reporters from the Chicago Tribune, “what we are currently doing here in Cook County in handling our low-level drug cases is simply not working”.


In an effort to find a more productive approach [...]

Why It’s Important to Fight Against False Domestic Violence Allegations

Though the domestic violence laws in Illinois are meant to protect families, abuse of domestic violence laws can harm the very families they were designed to keep safe. False domestic violence allegations can be harmful to the accused, their families, and the Illinois criminal justice system in general.


Regrettably, false domestic violence allegations are not uncommon both state- and nationwide.



Illinois law defines domestic violence as any act of physical abuse, harassment, or intimidation of another member [...]

When Can A Police Officer Enter Your Home?


In any major U.S. city, a determined police officer can be an intimidating sight. If a cop shows up at your door, it’s only natural to feel like you have to let him or her inside—after all, it’s a police officer. Maybe they make you feel safe, or maybe they just shock you into agreeing. Whatever your initial reaction, there is one critical thing that you must remember if a police officer shows up at your door: your constitutional [...]

Our Blog

Is an Expungement Possible for Your Chicago Criminal Record?

Expungement | Expungement / Sealing Records

Having a criminal record in Chicago can seriously impact your life. It can make finding a job, renting an apartment, or even getting into certain schools harder. But what if you could wipe the slate clean? Have you ever wondered if your criminal record can be erased? Expungement might be the answer.

What is Expungement?

Expungement is a legal process that removes or seals a criminal record, making it inaccessible to most employers, landlords, or educational institutions. When a record [...]

Domestic Violence: Understanding the Crime and Defenses

Domestic Assault | Domestic Battery | Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a type of crime that involves gaining power and control over another person. It can occur in intimate relationships, such as marriages and dating relationships, as well as between family members, such as parents and children.

Domestic violence can take various forms. It may include the following acts:

    Physical abuse. This includes hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, strangling, or any other form of physical harm. Sexual abuse. This involves forcing or attempting to force sexual activity