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(773) 908-9811

(773) 377-4310





(773) 908-9811



Aggressive. Experienced.

Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney
Former Cook County Felony Prosecutor


What Happens If I Get a DUI in Illinois?

Everyone has heard the statistics on drunk driving. Every two minutes, someone is injured in a drunk driving accident. Each day, 28 people die from drunk driving accidents in the United States.


Despite these statistics, over a million drivers are arrested each year for driving under the influence. Along with jail time and getting your license suspended, you will also be on the hook for fines and fees that total, on average, about $800, which could easily be higher [...]

Ways You Can Be Charged with a Drug Crime in Illinois

Drug crime charges are incredibly serious offenses, and can result in major fines, lengthy prison terms, and life-changing consequences for anyone who is convicted. Worse, the laws are so extensive and complicated and there are so many that you may not even understand what you did to get charged.


That’s why it’s so important to get in touch with a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible if you have recently been charged with a drug crime in our [...]

New Law Helps Domestic Violence Victims Facing Separate Charges

Laws are put in place to protect people and punish those who would victimize others. But what if an alleged offender in one instance is a victim in a separate situation?


One new law in our state addresses that exact situation. The idea behind this law is to help those who are victims of domestic violence and have also been charged with a separate crime. It’s called the Domestic Violence Sentencing Consideration, and it’s just going into effect this [...]

Understanding Your Domestic Battery Charge

Couples, family members, and people who are in a close relationship don’t always get along. Most of the time, even when they argue, fight, and say things they don’t mean, they’re usually forgive each other and move on.


If your argument or fight turns violent, however, you could be charged with a domestic battery offense under Illinois domestic violence laws. And depending on your history and the nature of the offense, you could be facing either a misdemeanor or [...]

Understanding Residential Burglary Charges in Illinois

The Christmas and New Year’s holidays saw a rise in burglaries all over Illinois. During this time, cars and homes might have been targeted due to an increase in the presence of money or expensive gifts.


If you have recently been charged with a burglary crime – especially a residential burglary crime – it’s important to understand both the charges and the penalties associated with those charges.


Burglary vs. Residential Burglary


Generally speaking, burglary is committed when [...]

Our Blog

How Chicago’s Legal Landscape Shapes Drug Possession Charges

Drug Crimes | Drug Possession

In understanding drug possession charges in Chicago, it’s essential to explore how the city’s legal landscape has evolved over time to shape the enforcement of drug laws. From historical policies to contemporary approaches, Chicago’s approach to drug possession offenses is influenced by various factors, including legislative changes, law enforcement practices, and societal attitudes toward drug use and addiction.

Historical Context

Like many cities across the United States, Chicago has grappled with drug-related issues for decades. In the mid-20th century, the [...]

What Constitutes Criminal Battery in Chicago?


In the realm of criminal law, battery is a serious offense that involves intentional physical contact with another person without their consent. In Chicago, as in many jurisdictions, the definition of criminal battery is outlined in statutes and is subject to legal interpretation. This blog will delve into the specific elements that constitute criminal battery in Chicago, exploring various scenarios that could lead to battery charges and the legal nuances involved.

Defining Criminal Battery

Criminal battery is generally defined as [...]