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(773) 908-9811



Aggressive. Experienced.

Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney
Former Cook County Felony Prosecutor


The Psychology of Chicago Domestic Violence and Your Defense

Over 1,000 women are murdered each year in America due to domestic violence. It is an epidemic that affects men, women, and families regardless of race, socio-economic status, religion, or family structure, creating a traumatic experience for every member of the family, whether they are a victim, witness, or abuser.


If you are charged and convicted, you face jail time, heavy fines, and other penalties that can seriously affect your ability to lead a productive life, be a parent, [...]

Spank Your Child, Get an Aggravated Battery Charge in Illinois?

The social attitude toward child discipline has shifted over the last several decades so that many disciplinary actions previously viewed as ordinary are now understood to be harming some of the most vulnerable people in society, and the severity of the penalties and sentencing associated with criminal child abuse charges reflect that. However, the array of punishment varies widely and ultimately depends on the specific actions taken.


One topic that remains hotly debated is corporal punishment. Is it effective? [...]

Jussie Smollet: When Making a False Report Is a Felony

These days, everybody wants to talk about Jussie Smollet, and it’s understandable why – the twists and turns in the case feel like we’re watching a TV courtroom drama unfold in real life.


At times like this, though, it’s important to remember that there are real people being affected.


That’s something I had in the back of my mind while I was fielding calls left and right to talk about the Smollet situation with various publications and media [...]

Bribery in Illinois: A Breakdown of the Laws

Have you been charged with bribery in Illinois? Are you under investigation? Do you just want to understand how the law works to make sure you’re abiding by it?


In this post, we’re going to detail laws and associated penalties, and cover what you can do to fight back if you do find yourself getting unwanted attention from law enforcement.



How Illinois Bribery Laws Work


How big of a deal is bribery here? It’s one of [...]

Order Illegal Drugs in the Mail, Get an IL Trafficking Charge

Ordering drugs in the mail over the so-called “dark net” has become popular with drug users and dealers alike. The dark net is (in theory) anonymous, and drugs ordered from these sources are generally cheaper and purer than street drugs. Plus, they don’t carry the risk of dealing with cartels or distributors.


Because this tactic is relatively new, many people believe that they stand less chance of being caught by law enforcement. However, police are now cracking down on [...]

Our Blog

How to Protect Yourself Against Accusations of Fraud in Chicago


Allegations of fraud can have serious legal and reputational consequences for individuals and businesses in Chicago. Whether intentional or unintentional, being accused of fraudulent activity can lead to criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and damage to one’s reputation. In this blog, we will provide practical advice for individuals and businesses on how to protect themselves against accusations of fraud in Chicago. From implementing compliance measures to maintaining accurate records, these strategies can help mitigate the risk of fraudulent behavior and safeguard [...]

Defending Against Unlawful Weapons Possession Charges in Chicago

Weapons Charges

Facing charges of unlawful weapons possession in Chicago can have serious legal consequences, including fines, probation, and even imprisonment. Understanding the common scenarios that lead to such charges and the potential defense strategies available is essential for individuals navigating the criminal justice system. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of defending against unlawful weapons possession charges in Chicago, exploring common scenarios, legal defenses, and the importance of seeking representation from an experienced criminal defense lawyer.

Common Scenarios[...]