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Former Cook County
Felony Prosecutor
Andrew Weisberg

Aggressive. Experienced.

Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney

Don’t Play Games With Your Future.

To Begin Building Your DEFENSE TODAY

Law Office of Andrew Weisberg is rated 4.9 out of 5 based on approximately 200 reviews from around the Web.
Showing 1 to 200 of 200 entries

A Clear History of Successful Outcomes

What does it mean to “win” a criminal case? In some situations, success means taking the case to trial and fighting for a not guilty verdict. In others, it can involve pushing to reduce the charges and penalties you face by negotiating a favorable plea bargain with the prosecution. Andrew M. Weisberg understands how to get you the best possible outcome no matter what route you take, and he has the case results to prove it.

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Experienced and Aggressive Defense from a Former Felony Prosecutor

Andrew Weisberg has plenty of experience thinking like a prosecutor, having served for nearly a decade as one for Cook County. Additionally, his former position as a felony prosecutor means that Mr. Weisberg understands every aspect of the criminal justice system in Chicago and the suburbs.

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Dedicated to Giving Clients Personal Attention

The earlier that you start working with a skilled criminal defense attorney, the better your chances at getting a favorable result, because you’ll have someone who knows how to protect your rights, keep you from damaging your case, and build a defense strategy.

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Criminal Defense Attorney

The Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney You Want on Your Side

If you or someone you love has been charged with a crime in or around the Chicago area, you have to fight back with the strongest possible defense. When you choose The Law Offices of Andrew M. Weisberg, that is exactly what you will get.

Chicago criminal defense lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg has been practicing criminal law in Illinois since 1996, and he understands exactly what it takes to get your charges reduced, dropped, or dismissed.

Why should you work with Mr. Weisberg?

  • As a former Cook County felony prosecutor, he understands how the other side thinks.
  • He is not only a skilled negotiator, but also an accomplished trial lawyer.
  • He is a well-known and highly-respected voice in the legal community.
  • He strives to make himself available and accessible to clients.
  • He is tenacious, detail-oriented, and aggressive in the defense of his clients

A Chicago Defense Lawyer Lauded for His Legal Abilities

Andrew M. Weisberg Knows Firsthand How the Other Side Thinks

A Focus on Illinois Criminal Law Brings You Results

There are a number of things you want in a good defense attorney. A vast knowledge of the law. Specific experience successfully handling the offense you have been charged with. Attention to detail. Excellent communication skills and a willingness to walk you through what are often confusing and complicated situations. Fantastic word of mouth from past and present clients.

Andrew M. Weisberg offers all of this and more. Over the course of his career, he has received many awards from prestigious organizations, including receiving an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, and being named to lists of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers and the Best Criminal Defense Lawyers in Chicago.

From 1998-2000, he served as an adjunct professor at Robert Morris College. He has been sought out for countless speaking engagements and featured in a wide variety of publications. He has been featured on countless panels and news shows when big legal stories break.

Perhaps most importantly for his development as a criminal lawyer, though, are the years he spent working as a prosecuting attorney. During his time in two different State’s Attorney’s Offices, Andrew M. Weisberg handled innumerable criminal cases of all kinds, becoming incredibly well-versed not only in Illinois criminal law, but also in how prosecutors build cases against defendants.

He learned the kind of evidence they seek out. The type of legal arguments they make in order to prove guilt. The tactics they use to convince people to plead guilty so that they can get a conviction.

Experience and Success Both In and Out of the Chicago Court Room

As a Chicago criminal defense attorney, he now uses that knowledge for the benefit of this clients. He is able to anticipate likely prosecutorial arguments ahead of time and plan defense strategies designed to poke holes in them. He can tell you with a high degree of accuracy how strong the prosecutor’s case is against you by the kind of plea deal they are willing to offer, and how much you can push back to get a better deal.

Additionally, his time working as a prosecutor enabled him to forge relationships with many people on the other side, including other prosecutors and those in law enforcement. He understands how their processes work, where mistakes might be made, and who to talk with to get the information you need.

When you work with Andrew M. Weisberg, he will provide you with the one-on-one attention you deserve and break down the process in a way that is easy to understand, making sure you always know your options and his thoughts on the best path forward for you.

More than anything, he will use all of his knowledge, experience, and skill to protect your rights and fight to secure for you the best possible future.


Andrew Weisberg Handles All Kinds of
Criminal Charges, Including:

Aggravated Battery

Aggravated Battery

If you have been arrested in the Chicago area and charged with burglary, you are facing a felony charge and could be sent to prison if convicted.

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Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse

Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse

If you have been arrested in the Chicago area and charged with burglary, you are facing a felony charge and could be sent to prison if convicted.

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Aggravated Criminal Sexual Assault

Aggravated Criminal Sexual Assault

If you have been arrested in the Chicago area and charged with burglary, you are facing a felony charge and could be sent to prison if convicted.

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Aggravated Discharge of Firearm

Aggravated Discharge of Firearm

Aggravated Discharge of a Firearm Charges in Chicago, Illinois Aggravated discharge of a firearm is a serious and violent offense in Illinois, particularly in Chicago, where gun violence is a significant concern for law enforcement and the community. If you are facing aggravated discharge of a firearm charges in Chicago, it’s crucial to understand the […]

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Aggravated Domestic Battery

Aggravated Domestic Battery

Aggravated Domestic Battery Charges in Chicago, Illinois Aggravated domestic battery is a serious and highly sensitive crime in Illinois, particularly in Chicago, where law enforcement and prosecutors aggressively pursue cases involving domestic violence. If you are facing aggravated domestic battery charges in Chicago, it is crucial to understand the nature of these charges, the severe […]

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Need an Assault Attorney? Get Help from Chicago Assault Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg If you have been charged with assault in Chicago, you might be surprised to learn that you could face criminal charges even if no physical contact occurred. Under Illinois law, assault is defined as placing another person in reasonable apprehension of an […]

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Arson Charges in Chicago, Illinois Arson is one of the most destructive crimes in Illinois, especially in a densely populated urban environment like Chicago. The implications of an arson charge go beyond just property damage; they can result in severe legal consequences, including substantial prison time, significant fines, and a permanent criminal record. If you […]

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Get Chicago Battery Attorney Andrew M. Weisberg on Your Side Maybe you lost your temper and got into a fight with a friend. Perhaps you shoved someone who kept trying to provoke you. Or maybe you didn’t cause any physical harm, but someone else is claiming that you did. Whatever the case, you’re now facing […]

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Facing a Burglary Charge in Chicago? Andrew M. Weisberg is Here to Defend You If you’ve been arrested and charged with burglary in the Chicago area, you are facing a serious felony charge that could result in significant prison time if convicted. In Illinois, burglary is generally classified as a Class 2 Felony, punishable by […]

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Criminal Damage to Property

Criminal Damage to Property

Chicago Criminal Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg – Defending Against Criminal Damage to Property Charges If you’ve been arrested for criminal damage to property in the Chicago area, you may be facing a charge that can encompass a wide range of actions and situations. Whether it involves the destruction of someone else’s property, vandalism, or even […]

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Criminal Sexual Abuse

Criminal Sexual Abuse

Facing Criminal Sexual Abuse Charges? Chicago Defense Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg is Ready to Defend You When it comes to criminal sexual abuse charges, the stakes are simply too high to face them unprepared. The potential penalties, including probation, jail time, and the lifelong stigma of a conviction, demand that you have the strongest legal […]

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Criminal Sexual Assault

Criminal Sexual Assault

Facing Criminal Sexual Assault Charges? Chicago Defense Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg Can Help If you’ve been charged with criminal sexual assault in Illinois, you’re facing one of the most serious accusations under the law—commonly known as rape. The penalties for a conviction are severe, with little to no chance of probation. Instead, a conviction could […]

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Criminal Trespass

Criminal Trespass

Facing a Criminal Trespass Charge in Chicago? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Help In Illinois, a charge of criminal trespass can be more serious than it initially appears. While it is often classified as a misdemeanor, the specifics of the alleged trespass can significantly influence the severity of the charge and the penalties involved. Criminal trespass […]

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Disorderly Conduct

Disorderly Conduct

If you have been arrested in the Chicago area and charged with burglary, you are facing a felony charge and could be sent to prison if convicted.

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Domestic Battery

Domestic Battery

Facing a Domestic Battery Charge in Chicago? Andrew M. Weisberg is Here to Help A domestic battery charge in Illinois is a serious legal matter, accusing you of either causing bodily harm to a family or household member or making physical contact with that person in a way that is considered insulting or provoking. For […]

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Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg – Defense Against Domestic Violence Charges Domestic violence charges in Illinois carry serious consequences, affecting not only your freedom but also your reputation, personal relationships, and future opportunities. If you are facing charges of domestic battery or violation of an order of protection in Chicago or the surrounding […]

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Drug Crimes

Drug Crimes

If you have been arrested in the Chicago area and charged with burglary, you are facing a felony charge and could be sent to prison if convicted.

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Drug Possession

Drug Possession

Facing a Possession of Controlled Substance? Chicago Drug Possession Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg Can Help In legal parlance, when you are facing any kind of charges involving a “controlled substance,” it means that you are facing a drug charge, usually one involving possession. Possession of a controlled substance is not a charge to be taken […]

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If you have been arrested in the Chicago area and charged with burglary, you are facing a felony charge and could be sent to prison if convicted.

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Federal Crimes

Federal Crimes

Chicago Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Andrew M. Weisberg – When Experience Matters Facing federal criminal charges is one of the most daunting experiences a person can endure. The stakes are incredibly high, with potential outcomes that can have life-altering consequences. Whether you are dealing with a misdemeanor or felony charge, having a seasoned criminal defense […]

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Federal Firearms Trafficking

Federal Firearms Trafficking

Facing Federal Firearms Trafficking Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Firearms trafficking is a serious federal crime that involves the illegal transfer, sale, or distribution of firearms across state lines or to prohibited individuals. Federal firearms trafficking charges carry severe penalties, including lengthy prison sentences, substantial fines, and a permanent criminal record. If […]

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Medicare and Medicaid Fraud

Medicare and Medicaid Fraud

Facing Federal Medicare and Medicaid Fraud Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Medicare and Medicaid fraud are serious federal offenses that involve defrauding government healthcare programs by submitting false claims, misrepresenting services, or engaging in other fraudulent activities to obtain payments to which one is not entitled. Federal Medicare and Medicaid fraud charges […]

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Federal Bank Robbery

Federal Bank Robbery

Facing Federal Bank Robbery Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Bank robbery is one of the most serious federal crimes, involving the unlawful taking of money or property from a bank, credit union, or savings and loan association through the use of force, intimidation, or threats. Federal bank robbery charges carry severe penalties, […]

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Federal Human Trafficking

Federal Human Trafficking

Facing Federal Human Trafficking Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Human trafficking is a grave federal crime that involves the exploitation of individuals through force, fraud, or coercion for the purposes of forced labor or commercial sex acts. Federal human trafficking charges carry some of the most severe penalties under U.S. law, including […]

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Federal Obstruction of Justice

Federal Obstruction of Justice

Facing Federal Obstruction of Justice Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Obstruction of justice is a serious federal crime that involves interfering with the administration of law and justice. This can include actions such as tampering with evidence, influencing witnesses, lying to law enforcement, or attempting to impede an investigation. Federal obstruction of […]

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Federal Extortion

Federal Extortion

Facing Federal Extortion Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Extortion is a serious federal crime that involves obtaining money, property, or services from someone through coercion, threats, or force. Federal extortion charges can arise in a variety of contexts, including threats of violence, threats to expose damaging information, or misuse of public office. […]

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Federal Cyber Crimes

Federal Cyber Crimes

Facing Federal Cyber Crimes Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Cyber crimes are serious federal offenses that involve illegal activities conducted through the internet or other digital means. These crimes encompass a wide range of activities, including hacking, identity theft, online fraud, and distribution of illegal content. Federal cyber crime charges carry severe […]

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Federal Public Corruption

Federal Public Corruption

Facing Federal Public Corruption Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Public corruption is a serious federal crime that involves the misuse of public office for personal gain. Federal public corruption charges can encompass a wide range of illegal activities, including bribery, extortion, fraud, and embezzlement. The penalties for public corruption are severe, including […]

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Federal Money Laundering

Federal Money Laundering

Facing Federal Money Laundering Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Money laundering is a serious federal crime that involves concealing the origins of illegally obtained money, typically by means of transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses. Federal money laundering charges carry severe penalties, including substantial fines, lengthy prison sentences, and a permanent […]

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Federal Conspiracy Charges

Federal Conspiracy Charges

Facing Federal Conspiracy Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Conspiracy is a serious federal crime that involves an agreement between two or more individuals to commit an illegal act. Even if the crime itself is never carried out, merely agreeing to participate in a criminal conspiracy can lead to severe penalties, including substantial […]

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Federal RICO Charges

Federal RICO Charges

Facing Federal RICO Racketeering Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) is a powerful federal law designed to combat organized crime. Being charged under the RICO statute means you are accused of participating in a criminal organization that engages in a pattern of racketeering activities. The […]

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Federal Firearms Offenses

Federal Firearms Offenses

Facing Federal Firearms Offenses? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Federal firearms offenses are serious crimes that involve the illegal possession, use, sale, or distribution of firearms. These offenses are strictly prosecuted under federal law and carry severe penalties, including substantial fines, lengthy prison sentences, and a permanent criminal record. If you are facing […]

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Federal Drug Trafficking

Federal Drug Trafficking

Facing Federal Drug Trafficking Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Drug trafficking is one of the most serious federal crimes in the United States, involving the manufacture, distribution, or sale of large quantities of illegal drugs. Federal drug trafficking charges carry severe penalties, including lengthy prison sentences, substantial fines, and a permanent criminal […]

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Federal Mortgage Fraud

Federal Mortgage Fraud

Facing Federal Mortgage Fraud Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Mortgage fraud is a serious federal crime that involves the use of false information, misrepresentations, or omissions to obtain a mortgage loan or to mislead lenders, borrowers, or other parties in a real estate transaction. Under federal law, mortgage fraud is treated as […]

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Federal Bank Fraud

Federal Bank Fraud

Facing Federal Bank Fraud Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Bank fraud is a serious federal crime that involves the use of deceitful or fraudulent means to obtain money, assets, or other property from a financial institution. Under federal law, bank fraud is treated as a severe offense, with harsh penalties including substantial […]

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Federal Bribery Charge

Federal Bribery Charge

Facing Federal Bribery Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Bribery is a serious federal crime that involves offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting something of value to influence the actions of a public official or another person in a position of authority. Under federal law, bribery is treated as a severe offense, with harsh […]

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Federal Mail Fraud

Federal Mail Fraud

Facing Federal Mail Fraud Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Mail fraud is a serious federal crime that involves using the postal service or any interstate carrier to carry out a scheme to defraud someone of money, property, or honest services. Under federal law, mail fraud can lead to severe penalties, including substantial […]

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Federal Wire Fraud

Federal Wire Fraud

Facing Federal Wire Fraud Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Wire fraud is a serious federal crime that involves using electronic communications to carry out a scheme to defraud someone of money, property, or honest services. Under federal law, wire fraud can lead to severe penalties, including substantial fines, lengthy prison sentences, and […]

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Filing False Tax Returns

Filing False Tax Returns

Charged with Filing a False Tax Return? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Filing a false tax return is a serious federal offense that involves knowingly submitting inaccurate or fraudulent information on your tax returns to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Under federal law, filing a false tax return can result in severe penalties, […]

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Federal Tax Evasion

Federal Tax Evasion

Facing Federal Tax Evasion Charges? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Tax evasion is a serious federal offense that involves the willful attempt to evade or defeat the payment of taxes owed to the U.S. government. Under federal law, tax evasion can lead to severe penalties, including substantial fines, prison time, and a permanent […]

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The Difference Between Probation and Prison Is Often Times The Skill and Expertise of Your Criminal Lawyer – Chicago Felony Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg If you would like to reach Mr. Weisberg quickly and directly, please call his cell phone 24/7 at (773) 908-9811, or fill out the case review form on our website. The consultation […]

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Firearm Concealed Carry Act

Firearm Concealed Carry Act

Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg – Charged for Bringing a Gun to Chicago Airport? Fight Back Accidentally violating Illinois’ complex firearm laws is easier than you might think, particularly if you’re traveling through the state or carrying a concealed weapon legally in other areas. Unfortunately, a simple mistake can lead to serious legal […]

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If You or a Loved One Has Been Charged With Fraud in Chicago – Chicago Fraud Attorney Andrew M. Weisberg Can Help Facing a fraud charge in Chicago can be overwhelming and intimidating. Fraud, a type of white-collar crime, involves intentionally deceiving others for personal gain or to cause harm. These charges are taken seriously […]

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Home Invasion

Home Invasion

Home Invasion Charges in Chicago, Illinois Home invasion is one of the most serious criminal charges you can face in Chicago, Illinois. This offense not only involves unlawfully entering someone’s home but also includes elements that significantly heighten the severity of the crime. If you have been accused of home invasion, it’s crucial to understand […]

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Involuntary Servitude

Involuntary Servitude

Illinois Cracks Down on Involuntary Servitude and Human Trafficking Many people believe that slavery ended in the United States with the Civil War, but the reality is that modern-day slavery, often referred to as human trafficking, is still a significant issue. Involuntary servitude occurs when individuals are forced to work against their will through coercion, […]

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Have You Been Charged With A Misdemeanor And Need Legal Counsel – Chicago Misdemeanor Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg If you would like to reach Mr. Weisberg quickly and directly, please call his cell phone 24/7 at (773) 908-9811, or fill out the case review form on our website. The consultation is free. This page is provided […]

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When arrested for and facing serious criminal charges, it is critical to find a great criminal defense lawyer who is at the top of his profession – Chicago Murder Defense Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg If you would like to reach Mr. Weisberg quickly and directly, please call his cell phone 24/7 at (773) 908-9811, or fill […]

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Parole Hearings

Parole Hearings

Make Your Next Illinois Parole Hearing Your Last In Illinois, securing parole can be a daunting and uncertain process, with many inmates facing challenges that often feel insurmountable. The reality is that Illinois has a reputation for being particularly stringent when it comes to granting parole. As inmates age, their chances of release often diminish, […]

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Possession of Cannabis / Marijuana

Possession of Cannabis / Marijuana

Facing a Cannabis Charge? Chicago Criminal Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg Can Help With the legalization of recreational cannabis in Illinois as of January 1, 2020, many people assume that all cannabis-related activities are legal. However, the law is complex, and there are still significant legal consequences for certain cannabis-related offenses. If you are arrested for […]

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Predatory Criminal Sexual Assault of a Child

Predatory Criminal Sexual Assault of a Child

Chicago Criminal Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg – Defense for Predatory Criminal Sexual Assault of a Child Charges Of all the criminal charges a person can face, predatory criminal sexual assault of a child is one of the most serious and stigmatizing. This charge alleges that the accused engaged in sexual relations with a child under […]

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Probation Violations

Probation Violations

Have You Been Charged With Violating Your Probation? Chicago Criminal Attorney Andrew M. Weisberg Is On Your Side Probation is often seen as a second chance—a way to avoid jail or prison while serving your sentence in the community. However, with that second chance comes a strict set of rules and obligations that must be […]

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Charged with Prostitution? Get Help from Prostitution Defense Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg Prostitution is often referred to as the “oldest profession,” but in Illinois, engaging in or patronizing prostitution is illegal and carries serious legal consequences. Beyond the embarrassment that often accompanies prostitution-related charges, a conviction can lead to penalties ranging from probation to incarceration, […]

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Public Indecency

Public Indecency

Chicago Criminal Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg – Defense for Public Indecency Charges If you’ve been arrested by the Chicago Police and charged with public indecency, you might feel more embarrassed than worried about the potential consequences. However, public indecency is still a criminal offense, and a conviction can carry significant penalties. Beyond the legal ramifications, […]

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Residential Burglary

Residential Burglary

Need a Residential Burglary Attorney? Get Help from Chicago Criminal Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg Being charged with residential burglary in Chicago is a serious matter. The charge indicates that you are suspected of intentionally entering someone else’s home with the intent to commit a felony or theft. Whether the entry was allegedly forced or achieved […]

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Resisting Arrest

Resisting Arrest

Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg – Defending Against Resisting Arrest Charges If you are facing a charge of resisting arrest in Chicago, it’s likely that other charges accompany it—charges related to the initial offense for which you were being arrested. The severity of the resisting arrest charge can vary based on the circumstances, […]

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Retail Theft / Shoplifting

Retail Theft / Shoplifting

Don’t Let a Retail Theft Charge in Chicago Ruin Your Life In Illinois, the term “retail theft” (720 ILCS 5/16-25) is used to describe what most people commonly know as shoplifting. The Illinois criminal justice system takes shoplifting very seriously, which is why the legal language used to describe it carries such weight. A retail […]

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Robbery Is a Serious Charge That Can Result in Lengthy Prison Sentences – Chicago Robbery Attorney Andrew M. Weisberg Can Help Robbery is one of the most severe property crimes in Illinois, often leading to significant prison sentences that can extend upwards of 30 years, depending on the nature of the crime. According to recent […]

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Sex Crimes

Sex Crimes

Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg – Your Best Defense Against Sex Offense Charges Facing a charge for a sex offense is one of the most daunting experiences an individual can endure. The consequences of a conviction are severe and far-reaching, impacting not only your freedom but also your reputation and future opportunities. In […]

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Theft Crimes

Theft Crimes

Facing Theft Charges Under 720 ILCS 5/16-1 in Illinois? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Theft is a broad category of crimes in Illinois, encompassing various unlawful actions involving the taking of someone else’s property with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of its use. Under 720 ILCS 5/16-1, Illinois law defines theft […]

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Title IX Defense

Title IX Defense

Sexual Misconduct Claims at School? Get a Chicago Title IX Defense Lawyer Title IX, a federal law enacted in 1972, ensures that every student in the United States has an equal opportunity to receive an education, regardless of gender. While it initially focused on preventing gender discrimination in educational programs, its scope has expanded significantly […]

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Traffic Violations

Traffic Violations

Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg – Facing Criminal Traffic Charges? Here’s How He Can Help If you’ve been charged with a criminal traffic violation in Chicago, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what steps to take next. Criminal traffic charges are not just simple traffic tickets; they carry severe penalties, including […]

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Aggravated DUI

Aggravated DUI

Facing Aggravated DUI Charges in Illinois? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense in Illinois, but when certain aggravating factors are present, the charge can be elevated to an aggravated DUI. This is a more severe form of DUI that carries harsher penalties, including longer prison […]

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Aggravated Speeding

Aggravated Speeding

Charged with Aggravated Speeding in Illinois? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Aggravated speeding is a serious traffic offense in Illinois that involves driving significantly over the speed limit, which can lead to severe penalties, including hefty fines, a criminal record, and even potential jail time. If you are facing charges of aggravated speeding […]

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Driving on Suspended or Revoked License

Driving on Suspended or Revoked License

Charged with Driving on a Suspended or Revoked License in Illinois? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Driving on a suspended or revoked license is a serious offense in Illinois that can lead to significant legal consequences, including fines, extended suspension periods, jail time, and a permanent criminal record. Whether your license was suspended […]

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Fleeing and Eluding

Fleeing and Eluding

Charged with Fleeing and Eluding in Illinois? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Fleeing and eluding is a serious criminal offense in Illinois that occurs when a driver intentionally fails to stop their vehicle when signaled or directed by law enforcement. This charge can lead to severe penalties, including fines, jail time, license suspension, […]

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Illegal Transportation of Open Alcohol

Illegal Transportation of Open Alcohol

Charged with Illegal Transportation of Open Alcohol in Illinois? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights In Illinois, the transportation of open alcohol in a motor vehicle is a serious offense that can lead to significant legal consequences, including fines, potential jail time, and an impact on your driving record. Whether you were aware of […]

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Leaving the Scene

Leaving the Scene

Charged with Leaving the Scene of an Accident in Illinois? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Leaving the scene of an accident is a serious offense in Illinois that can lead to significant legal consequences, including fines, jail time, license suspension, and a permanent criminal record. Whether the accident resulted in property damage, personal […]

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Reckless Homicide

Reckless Homicide

Reckless Homicide Charges in Chicago, Illinois Reckless homicide is a serious criminal charge in Illinois, and in a city like Chicago, such cases are prosecuted with particular intensity due to the tragic loss of life involved. If you are facing reckless homicide charges, it is critical to understand the nature of the offense, the severe […]

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Reckless Driving

Reckless Driving

Facing Reckless Driving Charges in Illinois? Andrew M. Weisberg Can Defend Your Rights Reckless driving is a serious traffic offense in Illinois that involves operating a vehicle with a willful disregard for the safety of others. This charge can lead to severe penalties, including fines, jail time, license suspension, and a permanent criminal record. If […]

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Weapons Charges / Gun Cases

Weapons Charges / Gun Cases

Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer Andrew M. Weisberg – When Gun Convictions or Weapons Violations Carry Severe Consequences In Illinois, gun and weapons convictions are taken extremely seriously, often resulting in harsh penalties that can include mandatory prison sentences, heavy fines, and permanent marks on your criminal record. These consequences are particularly severe for individuals with […]

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White Collar Crimes

White Collar Crimes

Facing White Collar Crime Charges in Chicago? Attorney Andrew M. Weisberg Can Help White-collar crimes are non-violent, financially motivated offenses typically committed by professionals or individuals in positions of trust. These crimes can range from fraud and embezzlement to identity theft and bribery. Although they lack the violent nature of other criminal offenses, white-collar crimes […]

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Law Offices of Andrew Weisberg

When You Need a Tough, Seasoned, Credentialed Chicago
Criminal Defense Attorney with the Experience and
Perception of a Former Cook County Prosecutor.


CLIENT WAS CHARGED WITH: multiple sex crimes, including criminal sexual assault and aggravated criminal sexual assault.

July 09,

He was a suburban school teacher that was accused of having sexual relations with a student. The student came forward years later and the client confessed to police. If the client were to have proceeded to trial and lost, he faced between 20 and 75 years in prison. With the confession, a guilty finding would have been a near certainty. Mr. Weisberg spent months putting together what is called a mitigation packet. This is a packet of information gathered to show the prosecutor and judge that the client is otherwise a good man. Mr. Weisberg presented this packet and met…

CLIENT WAS CHARGED WITH: Felony Aggravated Unlawful Use of a Weapon

July 01,

She got into a heated argument with her boyfriend. She is alleged to have taken the boyfriend’s gun and ran out of the house. The boyfriend called the police and told them that she had his gun and was not licensed to carry or possess a gun. The police quickly spotted the client walking down the sidewalk with a duffle bag. She allowed the police to search where they found the handgun.  She faced a felony conviction and up to 3 years in prison. Mr. Weisberg met with the prosecutor on two occasions and convinced her to drop the felony…

CLIENT WAS CHARGED WITH: Battery Involving Offensive Touching.

June 10,

Client recently moved to the United States from a European country. He had a great job and was married. He and his wife learned that they were expecting their first child. Client and his good friend went out to celebrate. The client was extremely intoxicated and when he was leaving the bar, it is alleged that he grabbed a young woman’s buttocks without her consent. He was immediately arrested when the young lady called the police who happened to be outside the bar. The client was intoxicated to the point where he could not recall what happened that evening. It…

CLIENT CHARGED WITH: Criminal Trespass, Assault & Battery

April 23,

Client lived in an apartment building with a neighbor who was constantly causing trouble for others in the building. The client was upset because the neighbor was constantly smoking marijuana in his bedroom and the smell would move into the bedroom of the client’s newborn baby. Client repeatedly asked the neighbor to smoke outside, on his balcony or in another room so that the baby would not be forced to ingest the cannabis smoke. When the behavior continued, Client allegedly forced his way into the condo unit of the neighbor and threatened bodily harm to the neighbor. The client was…


May 03,

The client was a young man with a clean record and a bright future. Any force against a police officer is treated very seriously by prosecutors and judges.  Mr. Weisberg had the client write an apology letter to the officer. In court, Mr. Weisberg presented the letter to the prosecutor and the charges were dismissed.

CLIENT CHARGED WITH: Criminal Damage to Property

April 10,

The amount of damage qualified for a felony because it was over $500. Not only was the case kept in misdemeanor court but Mr. Weisberg spoke to the prosecutor and convinced him to dismiss the charges against the client. Mr. Weisberg then filed the expungement paperwork and the case will soon be cleared from the client’s record.  


April 05,

The client was not a citizen of the United States and so it was critical that the charges be dismissed and his record ultimately expunged. Mr. Weisberg was able to get the charges dismissed. He then prepared papers to have the client’s record expunged. The expungement was granted and the record has been completely removed.

CLIENT CHARGED WITH: Child endangerment and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

March 25,

Client admitted to police that she had given alcohol to the minors and that they had engaged in sex acts in her car while she was present. Prosecutor attempted to blame the client for the behavior of the two minors that were in the back seat of her car. After reviewing all of the video statements, Mr. Weisberg met with the prosecutor and convinced her to dismiss all the charges related to sexual activity of the two minors. These were the most damning charges against the client. The client accepted a negotiated plea agreement where she simply pleaded guilty to…

CLIENT CHARGED WITH: Felony Retail Theft

March 22,

Client is a medical student with a history of retail theft arrests. Mr. Weisberg represented Client in several misdemeanor retail theft cases and was able to get them all dismissed. The client was then arrested on a felony retail theft. Mr. Weisberg got the client into a pretrial diversion program so that the case could be dismissed and the record expunged. Client violated the terms of the diversion program after being arrested on another retail theft case outside of Cook County. Mr. Weisberg was able to convince the Judge not to take the client into custody and instead to give…


January 23,

Client caught stealing items from a major department store in Skokie. Mr. Weisberg appeared in court with Client and Mr. Weisberg was able to get the charges dismissed without a conviction, guilty plea, fine or court costs. Mr. Weisberg is now in the process of expunging the records for Client.

The Trusted Advocate You Need By Your Side from Beginning to End

A Strong Defense No Matter What Charge You’re Facing in Chicago

At what point do you want to reach out to Andrew M. Weisberg? As soon as possible after you learn you are under investigation or immediately after you are arrested or charged. The police and prosecutor are not going to hold off on their investigation until you hire an attorney, and those early hours can often prove to be some of the most important.

How can Mr. Weisberg help?

By making sure that your rights are respected. Most people only have a cursory understanding of their rights when dealing with law enforcement officials, and they know next to nothing about proper police procedure. When you decide to work with Andrew Weisberg, he will ensure your rights are always respected and that law enforcement officials stick to the letter of the law when dealing with you.

By preventing you from saying or doing anything to harm your case. You likely know from countless TV shows and movies that “anything you say can and will be used against you.” Unfortunately, people often forget this in the stress of being arrested or interrogated by the police. As your lawyer, Mr. Weisberg can advise you on how to speak to police and even act as your voice to prevent you from further incriminating yourself.

By collecting helpful evidence in a timely fashion. In criminal cases, there may be all kinds of evidence that can help your case. Certain types of evidence must be gathered quickly or it may disappear or otherwise deteriorate and become unusable in your defense. Andrew M. Weisberg is well-versed in the proper methods of collecting all kinds of evidence and how best to present it to strengthen your case.

By tracking down witnesses. Perhaps you have an alibi witness that can prove you were not actually at the scene of the crime. Or there were people close to where the incident happened who have accounts that differ from the police and support your innocence. Or there are family or friends that can speak to your outstanding character. Mr. Weisberg has experience locating witnesses and convincing them to testify.

By enlisting expert testimony. In certain types of cases, experts can be brought in to offer testimony designed to bolster your defense. Andrew M. Weisberg has worked with countless experts in a variety of fields and may be able to utilize them in your defense if the case calls for it.

Ultimately, Mr. Weisberg’s job is not to prove your innocence, but rather raise doubts about your guilt by picking apart the arguments of the prosecution. All of these things enable him to do this in one way or another, and he will be aggressive in calling their case into question to get you the best possible outcome.


What Clients Are Saying About Us...

 by Linda O. on Law Offices of Andrew Weisberg
Simply the best!

Andrew was my 1st and only call I had to make when my son needed an attorney. He is extremely professional, kind and knowledgeable. Andrew takes the time to explain things, and is always available on his cell to answer any question to put your mind at ease. My son was charged with armed robbery and was facing over 20 years in prison, but Andrew was able to get the charges reduced and no jail time. I am extremely grateful to Andrew for his hard work and dedication to his profession. Do yourself a favor and stop searching, you will not be disappointed!

 by Neil Adams on Law Offices of Andrew Weisberg
Great Lawyer.

I am a defense attorney in Will County Illinois. Whenever I get a matter in Cook County I always refer it to Andrew. He and I have known each other since the early 1990s when we worked together as Assistant State's Attorneys in the Criminal Division of the Will County State's Attorney's Office. Andrew really knows his stuff and truly cares about his clients. I can't speak highly enough about him as a person or an attorney.

 by Christi Wondrely on Law Offices of Andrew Weisberg

Andrew Weisberg is an amazing attorney and was very quick and extremely helpful in a very stressful time for my daughter. I would highly recommend Andrew for any situation. Thank you so much Andrew!

 by Dave piekarz on Law Offices of Andrew Weisberg

Called Mr. Weisburg 2 days before my court date and he took care of everything. Went above and beyond anything I asked for. Can't get a better lawyer than Weisberg.

 by Future Nurse on Law Offices of Andrew Weisberg

This message is just to THANK YOUUU! for all your help in my case! Finally I did my background check for nursing school, and came out CLEAR! You help me to give me my life back again and pursue my dreams of becoming a nurse! I am in the Nursing Program now, and if you ever find me in an hospital as a nurse, I will make sure you and your family receive just an excellent care! I just wanted to thank you for all, since the beginning when I called you, you were so kind. I will always recommend you as one of the best lawyers in the Chicago area! Thank you so much!

I went through several meetings with prospective lawyer representation before deciding to go with Andrew Weisberg. I was wrongly charged with a crime I did not commit and Andrew had the case dismissed quickly and thoroughly upon my hearing. Andrew went the extra mile in keeping my mind at ease through the whole process and made it easy for someone like myself not well versed regarding the legal system to understand. I would HIGHLY recommend Andrew to anyone in need of a dynamite defense attorney.

I have never had a need for an attorney before I met Andrew. He was able to put me at ease with his confidence and knowledge of the law. He also explained every step of the process and he really CARED about my thoughts and feelings. He is an incredible person and professional. I would highly recommend his services!

Highly Recommend

While I am not excited about the reasons for meeting Andrew, I am glad that I was introduced to him and his abilities. When I spoke with him for the first time, he told me what to expect and what he thought might happen. Being my first offense he was confident that he could help me. In between the time of that first conversation and the time we had to go to court, any questions I had, I was able to email him and he responded back right away. Even on the weekends. I was very impressed. Once we got to court, we were thrown a curveball, but he still managed to work with the less than favorable chances of getting me free of my offense, and I walked out of court without a mark on my record. I do not plan on getting sent back to court, but I would definitely refer anyone to Andrew! He saved me and my life!

I had never been in any sort of legal trouble before and neither has anyone in my family. Needless to say, when I was a arrested we didn't know what to do. My Father found Andrew on a whim and he explained the legal process to us very clearly and made is very comfortable throughout the hearings. Andrew is a great guy and if you want to win your case I highly recommend him. Thank you for everything.

Andrew Weisberg is an attorney with a heart who cares about his clients. He is not only very dynamic and professional in his work but also has his clients interest very close to his heart. When I first talked to Andrew about my case, Andrew was very honest with me and laid out various outcomes that were possible and put my mind at rest. Ever since I contacted him I did not have to worry about my case as I knew I was in very good hands. Andrew got my case dismissed and that was the best possible outcome I could get. Andrew went a step further and got my case expunged. In Andrew, I have found not only the best possible Criminal attorney but also a caring human being who I now regard as a friend who I can always turn to for advice. I strongly recommend Andrew to all prospective clients and can vouch for his sincerity and professionalism.

 by Mark Murley on Law Offices of Andrew Weisberg

My son had an encounter that turned into an assault charge. I knew we needed legal help and Andrew returned my call within 30 minutes on a weekend We were clueless how to navigate the legal system and what to do next. Andrew helped us step by step and communicated with us accurately and positively. In the end it could not have worked out better. Andrew knows the system. I would call him immediately if we ever needed help. Thank you again Andrew

 by Criminal Defense Client on Law Offices of Andrew Weisberg

I highly recommend Andrew Weisberg to people who, like me, find themselves in trouble with law and desperately need a knowledgeable lawyer to hold their hands and get through the turmoil! Andrew helped me with a battery misdemeanor case. He's very responsible and has tremendous knowledge about the state law and local courts. He understands the anxiety of a client and patiently answers all my questions and concerns! His presence and professionalism made me feel very ease at the court hearing date. Like many non-sense charges, the case was dismissed at the court! Anyone who deeply cares about their record, career and reputation deserves a good lawyer like Andrew!

 by Domestic Violence Client on Law Offices of Andrew Weisberg

Very professional, knowledgeable, confident, down to earth, honest and realistic. As a family member of someone who was in need of a criminal defense attorney, I am truly grateful that we were able to find Andrew. We met with several attorneys before deciding to go with Andrew. We were impressed with his knowledge of the law, the nuances of the process of court proceedings and trials, and honesty about how he anticipated the case may go (good and bad). Most importantly, he listened and truly took into consideration our feelings and concerns. He cared and understood the impact that the case had on our family member and our family as a whole. He "won" the case for us and we can't thank him enough. I would highly recommend Andrew and can't say enough good things about hi

 by Administrative Law Client on Law Offices of Andrew Weisberg

Andrew Weisberg was excellent at returning my calls and/or emails immediately. He was always there to answer any questions or concerns I had throughout this agonizing process. He did everything he could to make it as stress free as possible for me. He had a thorough knowledge of what to do and how to proceed and acted quickly to get things to fruition. I would highly recommend Andrew for his excellent legal advice, commitment to my case, and his constant availability when I needed questions answered or my fears allayed.

 by Criminal Defense Client on Law Offices of Andrew Weisberg

Andrew Weisberg was wonderful during a horrible experience. He always returned my phone calls quickly and was always there for me. He was hard working and got my case dismissed. Not only did he help with all the legal matters with amazing insight and skills, but he also helped me allay all my fears and concerns as I went through this legal process for the first time. He was absolutely wonderful and I would recommend his services to all my family and friends. He truly cares and is concerned for your well being.

 by Criminal Defense Client on Law Offices of Andrew Weisberg

Andrew stepped in to help with our case after we had to replace a law firm that was not providing us with the support we needed. He jumped right in and sympathized with us regarding the nature of our case. He was very straight forward and told us what we were dealing with and what we were fighting against. Andrew was super responsive and was always easily reached via his cell phone. Above all he was not motivated by money but by doing what was right for us. He is certainly one of the strongest most ethical attorneys in Illinois. You can't go wrong.

Andrew handled my domestic battery case very well. He was/is always prompt with responding to calls or emails. Always made sure to take his time in explaining everything in great detail. Very honest with you about possible outcomes and scenarios. Definitely recommend Andrew!

I was starving for advice and a good direction to help a family member, that got arrested in Chicago,IL. I called several Lawyers unfortunately, they were not telling me the truth all they want is Money, which I did not mind if they were honest, giving a good advice and were going to do the work in fact, I almost hired one Lawyer that was going to do nothing just take the money. I was so blessed that I contacted Andrew M. Weisberg, he was so honest, helpful and he steered me to the right direction. I was very desperate for legal advice, When I found my family member got arrested; thank you Mr. Andrew. I wish I could shake your hand.

My son was in need of an attorney and I contacted Andrew over the weekend. He returned my calls on Saturday and Sunday. He was very helpful in helping us understand the legal process and taking the correct steps. His knowledge of how all of this works and advice on what to do was excellent.I would recommend him highly to anyone who needs help.

Our Blog

Is an Expungement Possible for Your Chicago Criminal Record?

Expungement | Expungement / Sealing Records

Having a criminal record in Chicago can seriously impact your life. It can make finding a job, renting an apartment, or even getting into certain schools harder. But what if you could wipe the slate clean? Have you ever wondered if your criminal record can be erased? Expungement might be the answer.

What is Expungement?

Expungement is a legal process that removes or seals a criminal record, making it inaccessible to most employers, landlords, or educational institutions. When a record [...]

Domestic Violence: Understanding the Crime and Defenses

Domestic Assault | Domestic Battery | Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a type of crime that involves gaining power and control over another person. It can occur in intimate relationships, such as marriages and dating relationships, as well as between family members, such as parents and children.

Domestic violence can take various forms. It may include the following acts:

    Physical abuse. This includes hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, strangling, or any other form of physical harm. Sexual abuse. This involves forcing or attempting to force sexual activity